Tuesday, 30 October 2012

The Dark and the Light of Samhain

Samhain Thoughts.

This as we know is the time of year when the veil is at is thinnest, we remember our ancestors of line, place and blood. Especially we remember any of our family or friends who have departed for the Summerlands in this last twelve months, all this is natural.

Every year we have the same feelings....should we allow our children and ourselves to loosen up a little and enjoy the dressing up, the fun costumes and should we be giving our children sweets, nuts or perhaps fruit? Naturally the latter is always a good idea and the odd plastic spider in a bunch of bananas won't hurt anyone. 

It is a time to remember, it is a time to be still and listen to the inner voice, to practice our divination and to pray.

All our festivals have been to an extent hi-jacked by those who simply want to make money, sell lots of ghoulish treats and tricks, in the same way as our midwinter festival has been taken over by commercialism. 

I have had more time over the last two weeks to think, partly because my husband has been having eye surgery and needed someone with him most of the time, so I sat and watched him come to terms with firstly very poor sight and then a week later, far better sight. 

I personally don't see why our children should not have a little fun, and the adults for that matter. And to that end I did take a selection of spooky sweets to the gathering last Sunday.

Sadly we were rained off, very heavy rain bouncing off the paths and causing little streams where footpaths once were. But we do need to keep a balance between the fun of each festival and fun is a very good thing, and the real intent which we need to have for each season. 

So I am remembering, I always will remember, but I am also seeing the fun side, for the sake of the children, a little laughter goes a long way and is very healing.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Let's Talk About Pagan Festivals

Let's Talk About Pagan Festivals

For months and months this little book has been in the making, it grew from a request from the Nursery School that my youngest granddaughter went to for a booklet or some details of what the Pagan Festivals were and how to help teach the children a little about it.

The felt that they taught about several different other religions and to be able to widen this would only help the little ones's development and understanding. So I wrote a booklet, shared with a few of my friends who had small children and in a short time I was writing a whole book. And now its ready for pre-order, the first in a series of books written to help parents, teachers, guardians share a little about the Pagan faith with stories, things to do, recipes, coloring and pages.

There are some beautiful graphics in the book done by Nina Falaise who herself is a very remarkable women, born deaf and turned down by the royal ballet school she didn't give up, she got a place in another ballet school and became a prima ballerina. Retired from dancing she took up art and has now illustrated three of my books and one of my husbands.


Its all happening so quickly now, I shall have news soon of a website with details of all the books, so you can read a little more about the whole project.

So the last few days with Jupiter travelling through my 10th house of profession and carrier, expanding everything it touches I am working with the flow to write more. All the while my publishing company Moon Books: http://www.moon-books.net/welcome-new.html is organizing some marketing for the little series.

Let's Talk About Pagan Festivals is aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 8, depending on if their grown up's read the stories to them or if they are older and can read the stories themselves:-)

Available already to pre-order from Amazon.