Thursday, 31 May 2012

I never go back...

I have always made a point of moving forward, remembering the past but not going back to it, in a way like drawing a line in the sand and stepping over it. And yet I have to admit there could be times when its necessary to go back.

The family have had a stressful week, it started with my daughter crashing her car into the back of one in front, she was shaken but unhurt and in each case the air bags were not deployed so its unlikely any lasting problems will occur.
And that came after my grandson has a major autistic outburst, and since then its been a little odd. 
So today I have spent, reading stories, singing action songs, drawing pictures and doing all I could to keep my youngest grand daughter entertained :-( 
I'm afraid all my efforts were not good enough and the little over-active soul drained me of energy. But that's children for you.

My mind has also been else where today, my family buried my Uncle Peter today down in England and we were unable to travel down and attend the ceremony, sing him off etc But my brother went with my sister in law, so at least this branch of the family were represented.

My Uncle not only was a member of the RAF in his youth, he was a glider pilot and instructor, he was a young 80 when he took his last flight. He was a very interesting man.

So shall I be 'going back'? I have to go back to the South of England, I now have to go visit my cousin and pay my respects to my Uncle, and I have a list of folks I wish to hug.

"I will rise, I will go back,
To the White and silver shore.
I will have courage,
As the sun does rising and setting.

At birth and death, the gift of life is precious,
Soul-life streaming down the strand.
I will go as the sea in its turning,
I will rise, I will go back, I will rise.

(from Caitlain Matthews prayer for Courage to Re-encounter situations, Places or People which have shaken confidence.)

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