Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Insects that Bite

Insects are abundant in Scotland! We are famous for tiny little midge that leaves you with thousands of tiny pin point red marks that then blister and gradually start to make you feel very ill. 
Well that was the case until I started research into pure natural essential oils!

I'd been doing a lot with incense and essential oils for many years, I used to farm in the southern uplands of Scotland, I had a herd of beautiful dairy goats and we all got very badly bitten. One day I mixed a spray with some essential oils and sprayed the poor creatures in an effort to try and help and it did up to a point. I clearly didn't have the recipe quite right because I think if I used the one I have now then the poor goats would have felt a lot better.

But happily now, with a blend of five different oils, in different strengths I have come up with a blend that when mixed together and allowed to mature and then added to different base products really does work!

I tend to make my blends up at the full moon and our flat is frequently smudged with incense, and circled with prayer. I feel with the right mindset, with the intention of helping and healing the discomfort and pain caused by insects, I can put some of this into the product. 

I'm very much tuned into healing of all kinds of ways and this is one which happily does work well.

I feel happier in the knowledge that I am wearing something that will cause an insect to simply fly away rather than produce a nasty chemical spray which will kill the insect and no doubt harm my own lungs at the same time. 

So I'm not going out in this mild damp weather without my "No Bites" !

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